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Who We Are

We Manage Your Benefits. 

You Manage Your Business.


Who We Are

We Manage Your Benefits. 

You Manage Your Business.

TPA Benefits is a full-service insurance and employee benefits broker serving companies and individuals in Virginia.  

Even healthy people need health insurance. Having a health plan helps maintain – and may even improve – the health and wellness of you and your family. And it may help in the event of an accident or illness.

Protect your health and prepare for the unexpected

You never know when an illness or accident might happen. That's why, under the health reform law, almost everyone needs to have health insurance, or pay a penalty.

When you have health insurance, your plan may pay some of your medical costs. Plus you're encouraged to seek routine preventive care which may help you avoid developing an illness or health condition, or find it at an earlier stage when it's often more treatable.

Health insurance costs money – but not having it could cost a lot more. Unforeseen medical needs, combined with high health care costs, could leave you with medical bills if you're not insured. Having health insurance coverage can help reduce unexpected medical costs.

Group Benefits

Turn your benefits plan into a strategic investment that helps you achieve your objectives of employee attraction, retention and productivity. 

Group Benefits

Turn your benefits plan into a strategic investment that helps you achieve your objectives of employee attraction, retention and productivity. 

Your Employees Are One Of Your Most Important Resources

Your employee benefits package, while vital in your attempt to attract and retain quality employees, can be one of the largest expenses you encounter. We understand that. 
We work with you to design an employee benefits package that will help you compete in today’s labor market while keeping in mind that you don’t have a money tree out back to pay for them. We work with you to find that balance between cost and benefit in your employee benefits package.

We also make sure you understand all the options out there before you make a decision.  For instance, are you offering the little benefits that can mean a lot to your employees and not cost you much, if anything (hint: ask us about setting up a Flexible Spending Account).  Are you making benefits available on a voluntary basis?  Voluntary benefits can be provided to your employees with or without employer contributions to the premiums.

Individual Insurance

Protect yourself against the high costs of health care. Plus - it's required by law.

Individual Insurance

Protect yourself against the high costs of health care. Plus - it's required by law.


Even if you are in good health, having health insurance is important. You never know when you or your family member will have an accident or get sick. Having good health insurance provides you with an affordable way to get medical care when you need it.

The cost of basic care can quickly add up, but the cost of care for a major illness or injury can be devastating. Medical insurance can help you prepare for the worst that could happen.

It's also the law. The Affordable Care Act requires that most people have health insurance. If you don't have it, you may have to pay a penalty. If you think you can't afford it, you may be able to get help paying for it based on your household size and income.

If you need assistance with individual products, TPA Benefits can assist you there, too. In most cases you pay the same prices going direct to the carrier as you do going through a broker. So why not use a use a knowledgeable, experienced broker? While some brokers will try to sell you something to make a quick buck, we will work with you and answer questions you have. Our goal is to educate you so that you can make an informed decision about the myriad of products available to you. You get to decide after working with us, if we deserve to be your broker.